Product Details
Ultrasonic Transducers

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A high sensitivity ultrasonic transmitter and receiver, sold only in pairs, for sending and receiving ultrasonic sound through the air, either as a continuous wave or pulses. Applications include burglar alarm systems, proximity switches, liquid level meters, anti-collision devices, counters for moving objects, TV remote control systems etc. 
T40-16 R40-16 
Transmitter Receiver 
Sensitivity (dB) 17▒6* -56▒6† 
Resonant freq. (kHz) 40▒1 40▒1 
Max. input (Vrms) 7
Impedance () approx 200 70k 
Capacitance (pF) ▒20% 1400 1400 
Pulse rise time (msec) 2 0· 5 
Max input voltage, pulse 
operation: 60V p-p
* 0dB = 1╡Bar/V/m 
† 0dB = 1V/╡Bar with 47k shunt. 
Overall size 15mm dia x 12mm deep (connecting pins protrude a further 9mm) Pins are 10mm apart.